Complications - Transfemoral Fogarty balloon catheter embolectomy in embolic occlusion of the left external iliac artery—Vascular Surgery

  1. Intraoperative complications

    Intimal tears and dissections, vascular perforation

    • Cause: typically overly aggressive handling during the arterial embolectomy manuever with the Fogarty catheter
    • Clinical picture: persistent ischemia
    • Mandatory: intraoperative angiography to check the circulation after embolectomy maneuvers
    • Persistent residual stenoses indicate the need for repeat thromboembolectomy, endovascular dilation, or treatment of vascular lesions (e.g., stenting in dissection of the iliac artery)
    • Prevention: Perform Fogarty maneuvers delicately and with feeling
Postoperative complications

Secondary bleeding, hematomaCauses: technical errors such as suture line failure; slipped off ligat

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