The webop pricing model.
Fair, simple & transparent.

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general and visceral surgery

general and visceral surgery

  • €149.00 / year
  • equals €12.42 / month
vascular surgery

vascular surgery

  • €89.00 / year
  • equals €7.42 / month


  • €89.00 / year
  • equals €7.42 / month


  • €89.00 / year
  • equals €7.42 / month
general and visceral surgery

general and visceral surgery

  • €14.99 / month
vascular surgery

vascular surgery

  • €8.99 / month


  • €8.99 / month


  • €8.99 / month

Fair and transparent: The more you learn, the less you pay! Book 2 modules and get a 20% discount. Your discount increases with each additional module - up to 50% discount for 5 modules!

Over 9000 surgeons already trust us. What our customers say about us:

Sophie Kaldewey

I use webop to optimally prepare myself for my surgeries and thus have the greatest possible learning effect!

Sophie Kaldewey
Elena Briese

Unfortunately, there's often not enough time for teaching in everyday clinical practice, so it's great to be able to look at everything step by step at home!

Elena Briese
Dr. med. Nina Kühler

Thanks to WebOP, I go into the operating room better prepared to achieve the best result for my patients and myself

Dr. med. Nina Kühler
Privatdozent Dr. med. habil. Arnulf G. Willms, MBA, FEBS

webop shows me interventions by valued colleagues and expands my own experience

Privatdozent Dr. med. habil. Arnulf G. Willms, MBA, FEBS