Transfemoral Fogarty balloon catheter embolectomy in embolic occlusion of the left external iliac artery—Vascular Surgery

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  1. Accessing the left groin

    Accessing the left groin

    Make a longitudinal skin incision in the left groin around 1 cm lateral to the palpable pulsation of the femoral artery. Divide the subcutaneous tissue step by step and expose the femoral fascia, which is then incised longitudinally over the superficial femoral artery.


    Spare the lymphatics on the medial aspect.

  2. Exposing the superficial femoral artery

    Exposing the superficial femoral artery

    Dissect the superficial femoral artery and encircle it with a vessel loop.

  3. Exposing the common femoral artery

    Exposing the common femoral artery

    Divide the femoral fascia proximad, transect and ligate the lymphatics. Free the common femoral artery and encircle it with a vessel loop.


    Larger lymphatics might have to be divided between suture ligatures.

  4. Exposing the deep femoral artery

    Exposing the deep femoral artery

    Free the deep femoral artery and encircle it with a vessel loop.


    The deep femoral artery gives off 3 branches, including the medial circumflex femoral artery, which should be included when encircling the deep femoral artery. If there is a greater distance from the deep femoral artery, the medial circumflex femoral artery must be exposed separately and clamped with a bulldog clamp.

Embolectomy maneuver

Make a transverse stab incision in the common femoral artery at the level of the origin of the deep

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