Perioperative management - Open splenectomy

  1. Indication

    • Hematological disorders, e.g., spherocytosis
    • Autoimmune cytopenia, e.g., warm antibodies
    • Storage disorder, e.g., Gaucher disease
    • Thrombocytopenia, e.g., Werlhof disease
    • Cysts, e.g., echinococcus
    • Hemangioma
    • Metastasis
    • Abscess
    • Primary splenic tumor
    • Multivisceral resections
    • Trauma
    • Delayed splenic rupture
    • Spontaneous rupture
    • Splenic artery aneurysm
    • Splenic vein thrombosis
  2. Contraindication

    Children ideally no younger than 15 years of age
    Relevant comorbidity

    Planned splenectomy always mandates a strict indication!

  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    Splenectomy is indicated based on the patient’s underlying disease. Due of the multitude of possible pathologies, a focused diagnostic work-up by hematologists and internists is required.

    Surgeons are especially interested in the morphology and vascular supply of the organ as well as the general operability and prognosis of the patient.

    • Lab panels: Complete blood count, electrolytes, creatinine, coagulation, blood type
    • Ultrasonography
    • Abdominal CT and/or MRI
    • If necessary, isotope scintigraphy to check for any accessory spleens
    • ECG
    • Chest radiographs
    • If necessary, pulmonary function testing and BGA
  4. Special preparation

    • If possible, the patient should be vaccinated against pneumococci, meningococci and Hib at least two weeks prior to surgery
    • Ready 2-4 units of packed  RBCs
    • In large spleens, the organ may be downsized by embolizing the splenic artery
    • Since gastric decompression facilitates the procedure, place a gastric tube when inducing anesthesia
  5. Informed consent

    • General complications Thrombosis, embolism, pneumonia, wound infection, incisional hernia, hemorrhage, keloid formation, cutaneous nerve injury.
    • Specific complications: Injury to abdominal organs such as the intestines, stomach and pancreas; pancreatic fistula; gastric wall necrosis; thrombophilia; susceptibility to infection; perisplenic/splenorenal abscess formation; pleural effusion; splenic and portal vein thrombosis; OPSI syndrome.

As in all other major abdominal operations, splenectomy is performed  under general anesthesia, wit

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