Complications - Popliteal artery aneurysm: Resection and revascularization with greater saphenous vein graft (posterior access)

  1. Intraoperative complications

    Venous bleeding

    Since both the popliteal vein and the epifascial veins and their lateral branches parallel and often encircle the popliteal artery, any injury to the veins may result in troublesome bleeding.

    • Heavy venous bleeding → Compression and precise suture

    As preemptive measure, clean dissection of the popliteal artery with division of the transverse veins and gentle mobilization of the major deep veins is recommended. If necessary, the veins may also be looped with vessel loops and retracted to the side.

    Caution: Marked impairment of venous return due to ligation of multiple veins increases the risk of postoperative occlusion of the revascularized popliteal artery.

    Anastomotic stenosis

    • Dilation, surgical revision if needed

    Peripheral embolization

    • Embolectomy

    Nerve damage

    • Particularly in the posterior approach, careful dissection can prevent possible nerve injury
Postoperative complications

Secondary bleedingCause: Technical flaws (suture failure; slipped ligatures; inadequate hemostasis;

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