Perioperative management - Interventional management of type Ia endoleak after endoluminal repair of bilateral internal iliac artery aneurysms - Vascular Surgery

  1. Indications


    PM 314-1
    Type Ia endoleak: Due to migration of the endograft in the left internal iliac artery, sealing of the proximal landing zone is inadequate.
    Endoleak classification

    Type I

    Inadequate sealing of landing zones

    • A: proximal fixation
    • B: distal fixation
    • C: iliac occluder in aortoiliac endograft and femorofemoral cross-over bypass

    Type II

    Retrograde blood flow in the aneurysm sac via collateral vessels (mainly nferior mesenteric artery and lumbar arteries, occasionally accessory renal artery)

    • A: single vessel
    • B: two vessels or more

    Type III

    • A: junctional separation of modular components
    • B: Defect in graft fabric

    Type IV

    Generally porous graft (intentional design of graft, usually self-limiting)

    Type V

    Endotension (growing aneurysm without evidence of endoleak)

    Type I and type III endoleaks are associated with a higher risk of aneurysm rupture-> prompt intervention recommended

  2. Contraindications

    • ASA IV
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    Thorough vascular surgery examination:

    • Pulse status
    • Doppler study of both legs
    • Possibly walk test in case of concomitant PAOD and poor foot pulses on palpation
    • Abdominal ultrasonography
    • Carotid color doppler study
    • Echocardiography
    • Exercise ECG
    • Laboratory panels (electroytes, coagulation, renal function, blood count, blood lipids)
    • Chest X-ray
    • Spiral CT -> exact dimensioning of the endografts required for the endoleak repair
  4. Special preparation

    • Identify blood group, provide for packed RBCs, if needed
    • Remove the hair in the surgical field
    • Possibly, place urinary catheter
    • Prophylactic antibiotics are usually administered as recommended by the German Society for Vascular Surgery (single-shot cefuroxime 30 minutes before skin incision), but the benefit is currently subject to debate because of issues around antibiotic resistance (Robert-Koch-Institute).   
  5. Informed consent

    General surgical risks

    • Major bleeding, blood transfusions, transmission of hepatitis/HIV through allogeneic blood transfusions
    • Allergy/intolerance
    • Wound infection
    • Thrombosis/embolism
    • Skin/vascular/nerve damage, e.g., due to patient positioning
    • Keloids (in open surgery)

    Specific procedural risks

    • Vascular injuries, e.g., during graft delivery: surgical hemostasis, blood transfusions, in case of massive bleeding or arterial rupture, immediate conversion to open surgery
    • Pseudoaneurysm of the punctured vessels, arteriovenous fistula, seroma
    • Inadequate graft fixation or leakage: corrective procedures, possibly open surgery
    • Graft infection: possible after days, months, or even years; endocarditis, sepsis, leg ischemia, amputation; surgical removal of vascular graft
    • Nerve lesions -> dysesthesia; pain; paralysis of abdominal wall / thigh muscles
    • Lymph fistula
    • Temporary or permanent lymphedema of the legs; compression stockings, lymphatic drainage
    • Secondary bleeding
    • Impotence    
    • Deterioration of renal function induced by intraoperative angiography, chronic dialysis

    Risks due to impaired perfusion

    • Thrombosis/embolism: pulmonary embolism, apoplexy, myocardial infarction; prophylaxis: heparin → HIT II risk
    • Legs: thrombosis of the graft and possibly adjacent vascular segments, possibly leg ischemia, amputation (e.g., toes)
    • Gluteal muscles: due to overstenting of the iliac arteries, in particular bilaterally; claudication during walking, possibly gluteal necrosis

General anesthesiaIn suitable patients (compliance) also local anesthesia ... - Operations in gener

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