In case of suspected bronchial carcinoma, the staging examinations listed in the guidelines should be performed before any surgery.
- Computed tomography of the thorax with upper abdomen, contrast-enhanced
- MR of the skull
- Bronchoscopy
- Note: Preoperative bronchoscopy by the surgeon is recommended, especially to recognize anatomical variants of the bronchial system.
- Cardiopulmonary Endurance
The assessment of cardiopulmonary endurance and estimation of postoperative outcomes is a very important and sometimes challenging aspect of thoracic surgery. Based on the algorithms of the ERS (= European Respiratory Society) and ESTS (= European Society of Thoracic Surgeons), the following procedure has proven effective:
- Basic diagnostics: Medical history, ECG
- If there is evidence of increased perioperative cardiac risk ('Revised-Cardiac-Risk-Index"), further cardiological evaluation is necessary.
- If there is a discrepancy between the anamnesis-based resilience (climbing stairs, gardening, walking) and the parameters of lung function tests, the results should be critically questioned and the tests repeated if necessary.
- Lung function: Diffusion capacity (DLCO), body plethysmography (FEV1)
- FEV1 and DLCO >80% of the predicted value allow for surgery up to pneumonectomy from a lung function perspective.
- FEV1 and DLCO <80% require further diagnostics using spiroergometry and determination of maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max)
- If VO2max > 20ml/kg/BW (>75%), surgery up to pneumonectomy is possible from a lung function perspective.
- If VO2max < 10ml/kg/BW (< 35%), surgery is contraindicated.
Especially in cases of VO2max 10-20ml/kg/BW or restrictive cardiac preconditions, in addition to further diagnostics (e.g., perfusion scintigraphy, "lung segment counting"), an interdisciplinary case-by-case decision with experienced colleagues is essential.