Indications for Spleen-Preserving Distal Pancreatectomy
- Pathological changes limited to the pancreatic body or tail, excluding primary pancreatic carcinomas:
- Benign solid and cystic lesions of the pancreatic tail and body
- Pancreatic pseudocysts
- Adenomas
- Cystic tumors without suspicion of malignancy (suspected IPMN + MCN)
- Neuroendocrine tumors
- Metastases in the pancreatic tail
- Focal chronic pancreatitis
- Trauma
- Alternative procedures:
- Distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy, especially in primary pancreatic carcinomas
- Open distal pancreatectomy
- Local excision (only for benign lesions)
- An oncological distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy is indicated for
- All cystic and solid tumors with proven malignancy or suspicion of malignancy
Note: During the implementation phase of a robotics program, distal pancreatectomy is ideally considered as an "entry" into robotic surgery at pancreatic centers with prior laparoscopic experience due to its specific characteristics. After all, an isolated resection occurs without reconstruction. Initially, "uncomplicated" resections are recommended, for example, in benign findings. With initial experience, the spectrum can quickly expand to malignant tumors and resections in pancreatitis.