Perioperative management - Umbilical hernia, primary suture repair

  1. Indications

    According to the guidelines of the European Hernia Society and the Americas Hernia Society, umbilical hernia repair by direct suture is possible up to a hernia diameter of < 1 cm, unless there is obesity (BMI > 30) and/or rectus diastasis. 
    If a direct suture is considered, Spitzy's operation can be performed, which is presented in this article:

    • Incarceration (absolute indication!)
    • any symptomatic hernia
    • prevention of later incarcerations
    • cosmetic


  2. Contraindications

    relative in:

    • Cirrhosis of the liver with ascites
    • Advanced malignancy
    • Cardiopulmonary risk, e.g., heart failure (NYHA III and NYHA IV)
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    • Digital palpation!!
    • Inspection: Protrusion, outpouching, pain on exertion
    • In obese patients always ultrasound
    • CT study only in special cases
  4. Special preparation

    • Depilation of the surgical field
    • Marking the location of the hernia
    • Patient fasting > 6 hours, no liquids > 3 hours
    • Possibly pausing anticoagulants
  5. Informed consent

    • Secondary bleeding/hematoma
    • Intestinal perforation
    • Injury of adjacent structures
    • Postoperative ileus
    • Infection
    • Thrombosis
    • Embolism
    • Recurrence (1-3%)
    • Reoperation
    • Impaired healing (5-10 %)
    • Temporarily impaired postoperative exercise tolerance
    • Chronic pain syndrome

General anesthesiaOptional: Analgesic sedation in outpatient surgeryrarely Epidural anesthesia  (ep

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