Total laparoscopic gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy

  1. Trocar positioning

    Trocar positioning

    Start the procedure by marking the trocar positions on the abdominal wall. After inserting the Veress needle and pressure-controlled CO2 insufflation, place the following trocars in a semicircle:

      • T1 = camera trocar (10 mm)
      • T2 = working trocar(10 mm)
      • T3 = working trocar 5 mm (later 12 mm for CEEA stapler and extension of incision for specimen retrieval)
      • T4 = working trocar (12 mm)
      • T5 = working trocar (5 mm)
  2. Incising the gastrocolic ligament and resecting the omentum (LN 4)

    Incising the gastrocolic ligament and resecting the omentum (LN 4)

    Start the resection phase by opening the lesser peritoneal sac and incising the gastrocolic ligament. To do this, fold over the greater omentum craniad and divide the ligament step by step along the superior aspect of the transverse colon with the Thunderbeat® device.

  3. Dissecting the duodenum (LN 11) and transecting the right gastric artery

    Dissecting the duodenum (LN 11) and transecting the right gastric artery

    Continue the dissection at the gastroduodenal junction. Mobilize the duodenum likewise with the Thunderbeat® device to around 2 cm distal to the pylorus. After lifting the stomach, locate the right gastric artery and divide it close to its origin at the proper hepatic artery.

    Note: Pay particular attention when dissecting the posterior aspect of the duodenum. Make every attempt not to injure the pancreatic capsule as this could result in pancreatic fistula, local inflammatory reaction, and leakage from the duodenal remnant.

  4. Dissecting the common hepatic artery, resecting the lesser omentum and transecting the duodenum

    Dissecting the common hepatic artery, resecting  the lesser omentum and transecting the duodenum

    After exposing the common hepatic artery, divide the lesser omentum close to the liver. Transect the postpyloric duodenum with a 60 mm Endo-GIA stapler.

  5. Exposing the celiac trunk (LN 8), dissecting and dividing the left gastric artery

    Exposing the celiac trunk (LN 8), dissecting and dividing the left gastric artery

    Next, dissect the suprapancreatic lymph nodes along the common hepatic artery to the celiac trunk, such that the lymph nodes remain attached to the specimen. Expose the left gastric artery and divide it between metal clips.

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