Complications - Anastomotic technique, gastrointestinal, side-to-side, open, continuous hand suture, double layer

  1. Intraoperative complications

    • Bleeding from the mesentery and hematoma formation in the mesentery. Here, stop the bleeder with a deep suture ligation. Then carefully check the ends to be joined for adequate perfusion; if necessary, additional resection may be required.
    • Avoid, as much as possible, massive contamination through stool spillage. To this end, close off the bowel ends with non-crushing clamps and drape the field with moist towels.
    • Suture line bleeding may be stopped with a running suture or interrupted sutures.
    • If the suture material fails while fashioning the anastomosis, the suture should either be redone, or a new suture placed and tied with the end of the failed first suture.
Postoperative complications

Anastomotic failure in small bowel anastomoses is extremely rare, since these usually heal exceptio

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