Complications - STARR — Stapled TransAnal Rectal Resection

  1. Intraoperative complications

    • Parts of the anal canal inadvertently caught in the resection

    → careful placement of the anal port

    • Incomplete closure of the stapled suture line

    →interrupted sutures of the rectal wall with Vicryl 3/0

    • Bleeding at the stapled suture line

    → suture ligation of bleeders with Vicryl 2/0

    • Posterior vaginal wall caught after placement of the Prolene sutures

    → Remove the sutures and re-place them while sparingly including rectal wall.

    • Injury to the small intestine prolapsed into the rectovaginal space

    → Place the Prolene sutures with the patient in Trendelenburg position; palpate the vagina before total closure of the stapler.

Postoperative complications

Secondary bleeding (up to 5%)Septic complications also necrotizing fasciitis (up to 4.4%)Persistent

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