Perioperative management - Peritoneal dialysis: Open catheter insertion in CAPD

  1. Indications

    • End-stage renal disease with planned peritoneal dialysis
    • Hemodialysis not possible because of technically insufficient vascular access
  2. Contraindications

    Patient not suited for peritoneal dialysis:

    • Due to intra-abdominal adhesions or masses
    • When proper handling of the catheter is not ensured
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    • Clinical examination: Ruling out any type of hernia
    • History of abdominal surgery and inspection of all present scars
    • Abdominal ultrasound study: Ruling out malignancies, assessing the size of polycystic kidneys and renal cysts
  4. Special preparation

    Special preparation

    1 week before surgery

    • No more heparin or insulin injections into the abdominal wall, thereby sparing the surgical site and reducing the risk of infection.

    Day before surgery

    • Standard preparation for surgery
    • Enema the evening before the procedure
    • Preoperative markup with the patient standing and sitting. Waistband (1), abdominal fold/pendulous abdomen (2), planned catheter exit site (3)

    Since the CAPD is performed by the patient the catheter exit site must be easily visible for him/her. Thus, the exit site must not be located at the level of the waistband (outerwear/underwear), in skin folds or below a pendulous abdomen. Since most patients change the dialysate while sitting, the planned catheter exit site should also be checked before surgery with the patient sitting.

    Day of surgery

    • Single-shot antibiotic (e.g., cefazolin) before anesthesia is initiated
    • Possibly Foley catheter for the duration of surgery.
  5. Informed consent

    General complications

    • Injury to the small and large intestines
    • Injury of parenchymal organs
    • Wound infection, abscess, peritonitis, revision surgery
    • Bleeding within the abdominal cavity and/or abdominal wall
    • Positioning injuries
    • Thromboembolism

    Specific catheter complications

    • Catheter kinking
    • Catheter malposition, leakage, cuff dislocation.

General anesthesia with muscular relaxation of the abdominal wall ... - Operations in general, visc

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