- Prolonged mechanical ventilation for more than 21 days.
- Airway obstruction, e.g., due to injury or tumor
- Compared with translaryngeal intubation, open tracheostomy offers these benefits: – avoids injury to the arytenoid cartilages
– avoids mucosal lesions at the vocal cords and trachea as well as in mouth and nose
– reduces airway resistance (decreases the work of breathing)
– decreases dead space
– better securing option
– easier oral hygiene
– less analgesics and sedatives needed
– more convenient for patient (can speak and ingest oral diet, no foreign-body feeling)
– enables or facilitates weaning
- Infection at the planned incision site
- Unstable cervical spine
- Coagulation disorders
- Massive gas exchange disorders
Preoperative diagnostic work-up
- Coagulation panel
- Bronchoscopy
Special preparation
Informed consent
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Tracheal injury
- Possible necessity of revision surgery
- Pneumothorax
- Injury to the recurrent nerve
- Cutaneous/mediastinal emphysema
- Scar formation at the tracheostomy
- Cardiac arrest by vagal stimulation
General anesthesia of less than 45 minutesStandard monitoring of vital parameters (ECG, NIBP, NMT,
General anesthesia of less than 45 minutesStandard monitoring of vital parameters (ECG, NIBP, NMT,
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