Perioperative management - Laparoscopic unroofing of simple liver cyst

  1. Indications

    Symptomatic liver cysts: (Fatigue, breathing problems, sensation of pressure/abdominal fullness, nausea, organ displacement induced pain, icterus due to compression of the intra-/extrahepatic bile ducts).

    • Solitary nonparasitic benign liver cysts
    • Polycystic liver lesions type I (limited number of large cysts on hepatic surface)
  2. Contraindications

    • Asymptomatic cysts
    • Polycystic liver lesions type II (numerous small cysts in the entire liver)
    • Neoplastic cysts (cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma)

    Relative contraindications include:

    • Parasitic liver cysts
    • Location: posterior liver segments I, VII, VIII
    • Major coagulation disorders
    • Cardiopulmonary risk factors
    • Cirrhosis
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    Patient history and clinical examination

    Abdominal CT or MRI studies

  4. Special preparation

    Lab studies (liver function, serum antibody screening for echinococcosis)

  5. Informed consent

    General risks:

    • Allergy
    • Thrombosis
    • Embolism
    • Cardiovascular reactions
    • Pneumonia
    • Blood transfusion
    • Incisional hernia

    Special risks:

    • Wound infection
    • Intra-abdominal infection
    • Secondary bleeding
    • Ascites
    • Pleural effusion
    • Biliary leaks
    • Recurrent cyst with recurrent symptoms

General anesthesia in pneumoperitoneum ... - Operations in general, visceral and transplant surgery

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