Heterotopic parathyroid autotransplantation in total parathyroidectomy

  1. Kocher or collar incision

    Kocher or collar incision

    Standard skin incision 2 finger widths (2-3 cm) superior to the suprasternal notch between the bellies of the left and right sternocleidomastoid muscles.

    With the Ligasure® divide subcutaneous tissue and platysma down to anterior fascia of the neck.

    Expose the avascular plane between platysma and anterior cervical fascia of and free the skin-platysma flap cephalad and caudad.

  2. Midline division of the strap muscles

    Midline division of the strap muscles

    Divide the fascia and strap muscles in the midline while sparing the superficial veins of the neck. Then retract the strap muscles of the neck from the anterior aspect of the thyroid.

  3. Freeing the right superior pole of the thyroid

    Freeing the right superior pole of the thyroid

    Turn to the right thyroid lobe. Dissect the right side and successively free the superior pole. Expose the vessels of the superior pole and transect them close to the lobe between clips and Ligasure® seals.

  4. Exposing the vagus nerve

    Exposing the vagus nerve

    Carefully free the right thyroid lobe while transecting the medial thyroid vein (Kocher vein).

    Locate and underrun the vagus nerve with a vessel loop. Neuromonitoring with the Medtronic system demonstrates normal signals.

  5. Resection of the superior right parathyroid

    Resection of the superior right parathyroid

    Locate the recurrent laryngeal nerve and verify it by neuromonitoring. Then expose the superior right parathyroid at its typical location posterior to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

    After sealing with the Ligasure® resect the parathyroid between clips.

Exploring the inferior parathyroid at its usual location

After resection of the enlarged nodular right thyroid lobe (not illustrated), once more locate and

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