Evidence - Right hemicolectomy, laparoscopically assisted

  1. Literature summary

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    Minimally invasive surgery in cancer of the colon

    In terms of indicators of oncological quality (R status, number of lymph nodes) and long-term results (tumor recurrence, survival), with surgeons of appropriate expertise single-center and multicenter RCTs (KOLOR, COST, CLASSIC-Trail) showed no difference between laparoscopic and open techniques in colon cancer surgery [1, 3, 4]. One benefit of minimally invasive surgery was a rather low short-term perioperative morbidity, while the overall morbidity and mortality remained unchanged [9].

    According to the current German S3 guideline on "Colorectal carcinoma", laparoscopic resection of colon cancer may therefore be performed in appropriate cases, if the surgeon has suitable experience [8]. At present there is no evidence for the NOTES technique in colon cancer.

    Laparoscopic colon resections are demanding procedures whose learning curve plateaus only after at least 88 resections [6]. At 20% the percentage of resections in cancer of the right colon is rather low at present, and these procedures are usually performed as laparoscopically assisted resections in which the parts of the bowel to be anastomosed are exteriorized via laparotomy.

    SILS, NOTES and robotic surgery

    Development in minimally invasive surgery pursues two main avenues

    • Further reduction of the access trauma (SILS, NOTES)
    • Improved precision in instrument control and dissection (robotics)

    Access trauma can be reduced by SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery), where unlike in conventional laparoscopy, the instruments are introduced via a single-port system. Another option is the NOTES technique (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) which relies on natural body openings for instrument insertion.

    Makino et al already reported on the technical feasibility and safety of single-port colon surgery in a systematic review in 2012 [5]. With an adequate number of resected lymph nodes and tumor-free specimen margins, compliance with oncological standards is possible in principle with SILS. However, the present review emphasizes the highly selected patient population and the surgeon's special laparoscopic expertise. Regarding the hoped for cosmetic benefits, it must be admitted that in these operations the length of the incision is mostly determined by the specimen retrieval and less by the port used.

    At present there is no evidence for the NOTES technique in colon cancer.

    The situation is different for robotic surgery of colon cancer. Case series demonstrate that robotics can be safely used in colon cancer surgery and yields benefits in terms of tissue sparing and less postoperative dysfunctions [2, 10]. Regarding the short term and especially the oncological long-term results, at present robotics assisted surgery in colon cancer cannot be recommended outside of studies because of the inadequate evidence [7].

  2. Ongoing trials on this topic

  3. References on this topic

    1: Colon Cancer Laparoscopic or Open Resection Study Group., Buunen M, Veldkamp R, Hop WC, Kuhry E, Jeekel J, Haglind E, Pahlman L, Cuesta MA, Msika S, Morino M, Lacy A, Bonjer HJ. Survival after laparoscopic surgery versus open surgery for colon cancer: long-term outcome of a randomised clinical trial. Lancet Oncol. 2009 Jan;10(1):44-52.

    2: de’Angelis N, Alghamdi S, Renda A, Azoulay D, Brunetti F. Initial experience of robotic versus laparoscopic colectomy for transverse colon cancer: a matched case-control study. World J Surg Oncol. 2015 Oct 9;13:295.

    3: Fleshman J, Sargent DJ, Green E, Anvari M, Stryker SJ, Beart RW Jr, Hellinger  M, Flanagan R Jr, Peters W, Nelson H; Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Therapy Study Group.. Laparoscopic colectomy for cancer is not inferior to open surgery based on 5-year data from the COST Study Group trial. Ann Surg. 2007 Oct;246(4):655-62; discussion 662-4.

    4: Green BL, Marshall HC, Collinson F, Quirke P, Guillou P, Jayne DG, Brown JM. Long-term follow-up of the Medical Research Council CLASICC trial of conventional versus laparoscopically assisted resection in colorectal cancer. Br J Surg. 2013  Jan;100(1):75-82.

    5: Makino T, Milsom JW, Lee SW. Feasibility and safety of single-incision laparoscopic colectomy: a systematic review. Ann Surg. 2012 Apr;255(4):667-76.

    6: Miskovic D, Ni M, Wyles SM, Tekkis P, Hanna GB. Learning curve and case selection in laparoscopic colorectal surgery: systematic review and international multicenter analysis of 4852 cases. Dis Colon Rectum. 2012 Dec;55(12):1300-10.

    7: Pappou EP, Weiser MR. Robotic colonic resection. J Surg Oncol. 2015 Sep;112(3):315-20. doi: 10.1002/jso.23953.

    8: Pox C, Aretz S, Bischoff SC, Graeven U, Hass M, Heußner P, Hohenberger W, Holstege A, Hübner J, Kolligs F, Kreis M, Lux P, Ockenga J, Porschen R, Post S, Rahner N, Reinacher-Schick A, Riemann JF, Sauer R, Sieg A, Scheppach W, Schmitt W, Schmoll HJ, Schulmann K, Tannapfel A, Schmiegel W; Leitlinienprogramm Onkologie der AWMF.; Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e.V.; Deutschen Krebshilfe e.V.. S3-guideline colorectal cancer version 1.0. Z Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug;51(8):753-854.

    9: Schwenk W, Neudecker J, Raue W, Haase O, Müller JM. „Fast-track“ rehabilitation after rectal cancer resection. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2006 Sep;21(6):547-53.

    10: Trastulli S, Coratti A, Guarino S, Piagnerelli R, Annecchiarico M, Coratti F, Di Marino M, Ricci F, Desiderio J, Cirocchi R, Parisi A. Robotic right colectomy  with intracorporeal anastomosis compared with laparoscopic right colectomy with extracorporeal and intracorporeal anastomosis: a retrospective multicentre study. Surg Endosc. 2015 Jun;29(6):1512-21.


Huang S, Ye J, Gao X, Huang X, Huang J, Lu L, Lu C, Li Y, Luo M, Xie M, Lin Y, Liang R. Progress of

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