Complications - Ileostomy closure

  1. Intraoperative complications

    • Intestinal injury (especially in strong adhesions → careful extensive adhesiolysis)
    • Undetected injury of bowel sections with feces leaking into the free abdominal cavity and subsequent peritonitis
    • Tension on the anastomosis (→ extensive adhesiolysis to mobilize the ends of both limbs)
    • Bleeding (→ cautious surgery avoiding bleeding; experienced surgeon)
    • Injury of adjacent organs (bladder, ureter, spermatic duct) when dissecting the distal limb
    • If the blood supply at the ends of the limbs is poor, this mandates intraoperative resection of more bowel.
Postoperative complications

Peritonitis in anastomotic failure, or when injury to other bowel sections has gone unnoticed durin

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