Perioperative management - Appendectomy, open

  1. Indication

    • Any clinical suspicion of appendicitis.
    • An unremarkable ultrasound study and normal inflammation parameters do not rule out this diagnosis!
    • In young women laparoscopic appendectomy should be performed (particularly in the context of possible gynecologic differential diagnoses).
    • Laparoscopy whenever the clinical situation is marked and other differential diagnoses (e.g., sigmoid diverticulitis, gynecologic causes, etc.) cannot be ruled out.
  2. Contraindication

    • Acute episode of Crohn disease with so-called "concomitant appendicitis". Initial medical treatment, surgery only in case of further clinical deterioration.
      Caution: Inflammatory changes at the cecum increase residual stump rupture rate and secondary fistula formation.
    • So called "concomitant appendectomy" during other abdominal procedures.
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    • Mandatory: Medical history, clinical examination, lab tests.
    • Ultrasonography is optional (operator-dependent).
    • Gynecologic consultation in women and whenever medical history demonstrates possible gynecologic causes (e.g., adnexitis) 
    • CT study in "acute abdomen" if diagnosis is still uncertain after all other studies (clinical picture, lab panel, ultrasound). [NG CS et al. BMJ. 2000; 325: 1387]
  4. Special preparation


  5. Informed consent

    • Secondary healing
    • Intraabdominal abscess requiring revision or percutaneous drainage
    • Postoperative ileus
    • Adhesions
    • Stump rupture
    • Injury to other segments of the bowel, vessels, nerves (e.g., ilioinguinal nerve on the internal oblique)

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