- Bleeding due to injury of smaller branches of the lymph node supplying vessels
- Parenchymal lesions of the lung during mobilization
- Injury to the contralateral pleura
- Especially during the preparation of infracarinal lymph nodes of station 7, an unnoticed opening of the contralateral mediastinal pleura can lead to tension pneumothorax. It is important to recognize the situation and either open the pleura widely or insert a chest drain on the opposite side.
- Injury to the tracheal wall and main bronchi
- Injury to the vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, and recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Injury to the esophagus
Intraoperative Complications
Postoperative Complications
Cardiac arrhythmiaPersistent air fistula (from the 8th postoperative day)A revision surgery due to
Cardiac arrhythmiaPersistent air fistula (from the 8th postoperative day)A revision surgery due to
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