Segmental jejunal resection with side-to-side anastomosis

  1. Skin incision

    Skin incision

    Small median laparotomy, depending on the location of the findings in the small intestine either superior, periumbilical or inferior to the umbilicus.

    It should be noted that laparotomies in the lower abdomen result in better cosmesis. The initial skin incision should be about 8 cm long. This usually suffices to exteriorize the small intestine but, if necessary, the skin incision can be extended. As a rule, any incision involving the umbilicus should skirt it on the left.

  2. Toweling the skin edges

    Toweling the skin edges

    When an anastomosis is likely, it is advisable to first protect the edges of the skin with an incise drape or moist towel and insert the retractor afterward.

  3. Exteriorizing the small intestine

    Exteriorizing the small intestine

    The small intestine is exteriorized, and the lesion located. If possible, check the small intestine in its entirety, which should normally be possible via a correspondingly small surgical access, if there no adhesions.

  4. Determining the resection margins

    Determining the resection margins

    Now determine the margins of resection, e.g., by passing a plastic loop around them, which markedly facilitates handling and improves the view.

  5. Dividing the mesentery

    Dividing the mesentery

    Now divide the mesentery between Overholt forceps. Ligate the mesentery distad to the dissection. Secure the centrad mesentery with ligatures or suture ligatures. Centrad care must be taken to ensure definite hemostasis; in case of doubt, it is better to employ one suture ligature too many than too little.

Preparing the side-to-side anastomosis

Particularly when facing a difference in lumen, as in the present case, it makes sense to perform a

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