Fistulectomy with primary anal sphincter reconstruction

  1. Exploring and inspecting the fistula

    Exploring and inspecting the fistula

    First inspect the non-infected healed fistula with its previously inserted seton. Probe the fistula through its external opening and perform a digital rectal examination. Now insert the Parks retractor.

  2. Excising the external opening of the fistula

    Excising the external opening of the fistula

    In order to ensure a wide external wound for drainage, generously excise the external opening of the fistula and then core out the fistula tract like a funnel along the seton.

  3. Dividing the anal sphincter

    Dividing the anal sphincter

    Divide the anal sphincter completely along the fistula-bearing part.

    Tip: Use the previously inserted probe as a guide.

Excising the bed of the fistula

Completely excise the bed of the fistula with electrocautery. ... - Operations in general, visceral

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general and visceral surgery

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