Perioperative management - Hemicolectomy right, open

  1. Indications

    Restoring continuity in metastatic cancer of the right colon to avoid impending ileus and iostomy.

  2. Contraindications

    Contraindications in palliative hemicolectomy:

    • Markedly reduced general condition due to metastatic malignancy.

    Technical contraindication:

    • Pronounced peritoneal metastasis preventing sufficient mobilization the colon for subsequent anastomosis.
  3. Preoperative diagnostic work-up

    • General preoperative diagnostics to assess patient suitability for anesthesia: here findings normal for age.
    • Lab results, chest film, ECG, pulmonary function.
    • Special preoperative diagnostics in colon cancer: Abdominal ultrasonography, colonoscopy to assess the remaining colon.
    • Special preoperative diagnostics in metastatic colon cancer: CT study of the abdomen and possibly the chest.
  4. Special preparation

    Generally not required.
    Antegrade bowel cleansing (lavage) in nonobstructing tumor.

  5. Informed consent

    General risks of surgery

    • Thrombosis
    • Embolism
    • Infections
    • Vascular/nerve injury
    • Secondary bleeding
    • Injury to adjacent organs
      Special aspects of informed consent
    • Anastomotic failure
    • Peritonitis
    • If anastomosis is not possible: Ostomy

General anesthesia with relaxation of the patient ... - Operations in general, visceral and transpl

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