- The author demonstrates two possible trocar positions. As demonstrated here, the 12 mm trocar is inserted in the umbilicus, the 5 mm trocar in the midline superior to the pubic symphysis and a pararectal 10 mm trocar in the LLQ.
- Optionally, the 10 mm and 5 mm trocar may be placed at the pubic hairline in the RLQ and LLQ.
Trocar positioning
Instruments, minilaparotomy
Pneumoperitoneum, exploration
Establish the pneumoperitoneum. The pressure level should reflect size, age and sex of patient (6–8 mmHg in children, 10–14 mmHg in adults). Limit the CO2 flow rate to 1 mL/min.
Laparoscopy always starts with the abdominal exploration! This case presents with acute suppurative appendicitis with inflammatory adhesions to the anterior abdominal wall.
In the video, first the right lower quadrant is explored, then the right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, again the area of the appendix, and finally the lesser pelvis.
The lower abdominal organs are inspected in the numerical order of the sketch: Inspection around the appendix is followed by uterus and bladder (A), Douglas pouch (B), left ovary (C), and deep inguinal orifice (D). This is continued to the right groin area (E). Then the laparoscope is directed into the right upper quadrant (5) where the gall bladder (F) and right hepatic lobe (G) are inspected. This is followed by inspection of the left upper quadrant: Spleen and gastric corpus (H) as well as left hepatic lobe with falciform ligament, stomach and greater omentum (I).
Working trocars, mobilizing the appendix
Transecting the mesoappendix
Transect the mesoappendix with monopolar cautery to its base and close off the appendicular artery with titanium clips.
Insert the Endo GIA™ (30 mm, blue magazine) through the 12 mm trocar and transect the appendix. The
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